Post COVID Recruitment Trends

COVID19 has revolutionized the traditional way of doing business. Risks in the workplace, such as moving to remote work while continuing business operations, training managers to manage an invisible workforce, tailored policies to deal with sick employees, and ensuring the physical integrity and mental well-being of employees presented unprecedented challenges for HR consulting firms in UAE. We’ve never seen a world of work like this before and hope to never see another like this. In the wake of the pandemic, we’ve also learned valuable lessons about how we work, where we can work best, and how to virtually hire great people.

Remote work and hybrid models let you find talented people almost anywhere. More than five times as many remote job offers have appeared during the pandemic. This will have a profound impact on the talent landscape, as employees will not need to leave their homes to advance their careers. To tap into previously unknown talent, forward-thinking companies have refined their recruiting practices accordingly to respond to this trend. Below are some post COVID hiring trends you can follow.

Virtual Recruiting

A hybrid working model today combines in-person and remote working environments into a more engaging way of working and sustainable for the future. Additionally, a hybrid hiring method that combines face-to-face and virtual interviews has become the norm. Virtual recruiting in 2020 was streamlined and included virtual career fairs, interviews, assessments, and onboarding. Now that companies will be able to conduct some recruiting and onboarding processes in person, they can benefit from a hybrid recruiting process. Saving time and money are two of the many benefits of this hybrid recruiting process.

Interviews, for the most part, will continue to be conducted virtually, even when companies return to the office. Recruiters, candidates, and interviewees bear the heavy burden of creating in-person interviews. Canceled or rescheduled maintenance can put everyone at risk. By conducting virtually more interviews, recruiters and hiring managers can save time and money. Participants can participate in the same interview regardless of their location.

Focus on Diversity

One of the least talked about benefits of remote working is its effect on diversity support. More traditional recruiting strategies are limited to a particular geographical area to facilitate travel and avoid moving expenses. Unfortunately, when the local talent pool is not very diverse, it creates a barrier for recruiters who want to attract and hire underrepresented candidates. Remote work options can help break down these barriers, allowing talent acquisition to cast a wider net. When not limited to a particular geographical area, companies can reach out to under-represented talent in other places, anywhere in the world. This diversity in hiring creates a workforce with diverse backgrounds, talents, and experiences that lead to a stronger and more creative workforce.

Human resource consultancy in Dubai has successfully adapted to novel ways and has managed to find amazing talents while recruiting.